
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST SCIENCE, 2018, No. 5, P. 381–388 CAUSES OF MORTALITY OF THE SCOTS PINE IN OLD-GROWTH PLANTATIONS OF THE RYN DESERT M. K. Sapanov, M. L. Sizemskaya Institute of Forest Science, Russian Academy of Sciences Sovetskaya st. 21, Uspenskoe, Odintsovsky District, Moscow Oblast, 143030, Russia E-mail: sapanovm @ mail.ru Received 17 April 2017 Scots pine plantation have been created in blowouts of the Ryn Desert on Volga and Ural interfluve since the late 19 th century. Nowadays they represent unique, uneven aged, clear outliers, mainly with uncovered forest floor. Radial increments of stems, structure of root systems of pine and climate-induced variations of groundwater level were studied to find the reasons of recent mortality of trees. Decline of the trees of all ages and stages of development was followed by the denudation of crowns and lightened needles. The reason was identified as loss of water uptake by the lower layer of roots due to lost contact with upper boundary of capillary aureole of groundwaters following seasonal fluctuation and decreasing trend. During the last decade (since 2006) it fell down by 100 cm. Mortality of trees become irreversible due to losses in water support of the upper layer of roots following covering by sand and disturbance by creeping fires. Another cause was found to be the disturbance of the phloem by trunk pests ( Buprestidae ) and shrinkage of cycle of reserve substances. Keywords: sand dunes, pine outliers, mortality of trees, groundwaters, pests . Acknowledgements: The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project № 18-04-00246. DOI: 10.1134/S0024114818050078 REFERENCES: Gael' A.G., Oblesenie bugristykh peskov zasushlivykh oblastei (Afforestation of sand dunes in arid regions), Moscow: Geografgiz, 1952, 219 p. Gael' A.G., Sudnitsyn I.I., Rezhim pochvenno-gruntovykh vod sosnovykh nasazhdenii Dono-Archedinskogo peschanogo massiva (Groundwater regime of pine forests in Don-Archeda sands), Lesovedenie , 1971, No. 5, pp. 46-56. Gael A.G., Smirnova L.F., Peski i peschanye pochvy (Sands and sandy Soils), Moscow: GEOS, 1999, 252 p. Kulik N.F., Rezhim gruntovykh vod v Tersko-Kumskikh peskakh v svyazi s ikh obleseniem (Groundwater regime in the Terek-Kuma sands: issues of afforestation), In: Oblesenie i sel'skokhozyaistvennoe osvoenie peschanykh zemel' Yugo-Vostoka (Afforestation and agriculture in sands of the South-East) Moscow: Izd-vo Minsel'khoza SSSR, 1959, pp. 76-102 (140 p.). Manaenkov A.S., Zyuz' N.S., Zhunisov B.K., Lesorastitel'nye usloviya i lesokul'turnoe osvoenie Urdinskogo peschanogo massiva (Forest sites and silvicultural exploration of Ryn Desert), Lesnoe khozyaistvo , 1995, No. 5, pp. 36-38. Orlov A.Y., Koshel'kov S.P., Pochvennaya ekologiya sosny (Soil ecology of the pine), Moscow: Nauka, 1971, 323 p. Sapanov M.K., Prichiny usykhaniya kul'tur duba chereshchatogo na gidromorfnykh lugovo-kashtanovykh pochvakh Severnogo Prikaspiya (Causes of drying up of Quercus robur plantations on hydromorphic meadow-chestnut soils in the Northern Caspian Sea region), Lesovedenie , 2005, No. 5, pp. 10-17. Sapanov M.K., Vliyanie izmeneniya klimata na obvodnennost' Severnogo Prikaspiya (Influence of climate change on the water resources of Northern Pricaspian Lowland), Aridnye ekosistemy , 2010, Vol. 16, No. 45, pp. 25-30. Sapanov M.K., Water uptake by trees on different soils in the Northern Caspian region, Eurasian Soil Science , 2000, Vol. 33, No. 11, pp. 1157-1165. Sudnitsyn I.I., Shein E.V., Gael' A.G., Vliyanie kontsentratsii kornei sosny na pogloshchenie pochvennoi vlagi (Effect of density of pine roots on soil water uptake), Lesovedenie , 1976, No. 4, pp. 9-17. Voronkov N.A., Pul'satsiya gruntovykh vod i raskhod vlagi iz nikh v Archedinsko-Donskikh peskakh (Pulsation and discharge of groundwaters in Don-Archeda sands), Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 6: Biologiya, pochvovedenie , 1963, No. 2, pp. 43-52. Voronkov N.A., Vlagooborot i vlagoobespechennost' sosnovykh nasazhdenii (Water cycle and water sufficiensy in pine forests), Moscow: Lesnaya promyshlennost', 1973, 184 p.

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