
Research relevance: The article analyzes civic identity in Kyrgyzstan from the ethnic aspect. The author’s attention was focused on the “malty-sidedness” of the social identification of an individual and reveal the essence of civic identity as its main type. Analysis of some ethnic features of the common Kyrgyz civil identity is relevant. Research materials and methods: questioning the population of Kyrgyzstan to determine the civic identity of representatives of various ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan, consideration of the civic identification of Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Russians, Tajiks and other ethnic groups based on materials from a sociological study. Over the course of many centuries, the ethnic communities of Kyrgyzstan have accumulated centuries-old experience of living together, harmonizing interests, and confronting external and internal threats. Based on the history of the country, the most striking periods of its development were due to the unity of the people, friendship between representatives of different ethnic groups. Research objectives: Civic identity formation presupposes the acceptance of ethnic values, norms and belonging to a particular ethnic group — the ethnic self-determination of the individual of ethnic identity, as well as the adoption of universal, common cultural values, norms and belonging to the population of the country of residence, as the basis for the formation of civic patriotism in the individual, citizenship, patriotism and love for the Motherland of civic identity. Research results: The effectiveness of the formation of a general civil identity of a person requires a clear understanding of the essence of the problem of determining the formation of a person’s civic identity, as one of the components of its social identity, requires a separate study. Conclusions: Among Tajiks, almost 1/4 (23.8%) were determined, among Uzbeks, 1/5 (20.2%) cannot say firmly “Yes” that Kyrgyzstan is their Motherland, out of the ethnic Russians surveyed, only 14.4% belong to this category. Among the Kyrgyz people, 9.1% or 1/10 chose 1 answer to this question.

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