
The article is devoted to the study of artistic representation of national peculiar fetures in the dramatic works by Hruhir Luzhnytskyi. The great attention is paid to the analysis of the specific features in the expression of the significance of the ideological and moral-ethical priorities in dramas. The images of heroes in the dramas by Hruhir Luzhnytskyi are depicted; the peculiarities of dramatic conflict are defined. Grygor Luzhnytskyi’s drama discovers the main features of Ukrainian mentality and represents them in the context of the idea of national liberation. In the works by Hruhir Luzhnytskyi figurative images that embody the characteristic features of the national worldview are represented. Hryhir Luzhnytskyi’s literary works became an object for the thorough research which was carried out by S. Horob and where he paid a lot of attention to the definition of stylistic and genre features of the playwright’s works, as well as the the research of the originality of his religious and historical dramas. S. Rudnitskyi found out the ideological and artistic features of Hruhir Luzhnytskyi to be dramatic and creative. The purpose of the work is to define the main artistic principles of Hruhir Luzhnytskyi’s drama. The purpose is determined by the study of genre parameters of the playwright’s literary works; historical problems in dramas; outline the main ways of deploying a dramatic conflict; elucidation the main artistic signs of characters in the literary works by Hryhir Luzhnytskyi. In the dramas “Oh Moroz, Morozenko ...”, “Knights of the Night”, “The Sichovyi Court (Olexij Popovych)”, Grigor Luzhnytskyi artistically presents the concepts that are decisive for the national consciousness. The author identifies the historical context by correlating the specific characteristics of ancient times and timeless ideals. The playwright chooses the iconic historical figures as the object of artistic creation. These figures embody the ideas of the national and personal self-determination. The heroes in the literary works by Hryhir Luzhnitskyi solve complex problems of the essential formation in the projection on the Ukrainian reality, which stipulates the symbolic meaning of the images. The conflict in the drama unfolds in the social and historical plane, which defines a deep understanding of the phenomena being displayed. Completion of a dramatic conflict in Hryhir Luzhnitskyi’s dramas means different forms of implementation of the declared ideas.

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