
In a scientific article provides an analysis of human development as the main concept of the state of scientific research, observed that the management of humanitarian development is a specific kind of control that is using power to improve social relations; reveal if humanitarian policy of the state at present, is justified that society, using its potential is directly dependent on the level of humanitarian governance processes; facts are negative, indicating lack of human development and ways of its optimization. In the modern theory and the history of public administration is cognitive problem associated with lack of theoretical and practical study of human development in the center of which was a man, the need for the formation of the concept of human development in the context of globalization, the transformation of social reality and social change. Relevance of research due to both lack of elaborated specified theoretical topics and increase its practical value in the ideological situation of society transformation vectors and determine the theoretical reflection of changes in human development, defined purpose of scientific research is to seek ways of improving the humanitarian and development context, theories of public administration . To achieve the goal the following objectives: 1. To develop theoretical and methodological principles of humanitarian development in the context of the modern paradigm. 2. Identify the conceptual categories of research-humanitarian development in social change. 2. Form a national paradigm of human development in the context of globalization. 3. Bring differences in the positions previously proven classic theories of humanistic development of humanistic theories of Post-classical period. 4. To substantiate the mechanisms improve human development in Post-classical day. It reveals that the development of society, using its potential is directly dependent on the level of humanitarian governance processes. Systemic crisis of the Soviet Union, which accelerated the independence of Ukraine, at the same time negatively, affected the reproduction and development of human potential. As a result of the crisis processes that took place in Ukraine in 80-90th years of XX century. Weakness and inadequacy of economic, social and humanitarian issues during this period in Ukraine was a dramatic deterioration in human development. The need for regulation of complex social systems, especially relations between large social groups, provides management process of a political nature. In this sense, the management of humanitarian development is a specific kind of control that is using power to improve social relations. This means that the core of managing humanitarian development is a conscious, purposeful actors influence policy on society or part of the purpose of optimization (improvement, improvement, development) in order to achieve their goals. In the narrow sense of control humanitarian development is understood as a kind of executive and administrative organs of the State. The essence of management in the humanitarian sphere is the impact on social relations in the economic, political, social, spiritual, cultural and other fields, and through the use of public authority. Man-centered value system actualizes the problem of investing in people, in the development of his intellectual capacity, based on humanistic principles of the totality of social relations: economic, social, political and cultural. Formation man-of values - is to identify civilization and humanistic principles of management, with focus on man as the measure of all things, the definition of the determinant management, promote harmonization of relations based on the interests of all social groups. Man-centered value system based on the principles of a new planetary humanism opposes globalization trends of the modern world, contributes to the preservation of national traditions, opposing all manifestations of mass society and mass culture creates a new political and economic thinking, based on the mechanism of socially-oriented government. State regulation of social and humanitarian sphere is the key capacity of civil society to protect the interests of citizens, a stable social order, by building the institutions of governance that requires the presence of the state developed administrative structure and special institutions that are able to respond to the demands of the market forces that are rapidly changing.

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