
That the subject of representative systems of modern educational things where we find that many of the trainers rely during the process of teaching handball skills on one system (sensory) and away from other systems, despite the importance of other systems, especially if the integration of more than one system in the educational process that Saving time and reducing the effort, as well as most of the current educational curricula in the teaching of handball skills and the generality of clubs and teams do not focus on The use of some of these representative systems, which leads to confusion of mental processes since the reception of the stimulant until it is realized for the purpose of learning one of the required motor skills. That the purpose of using some of these representative systems is for the purpose of reaching the best way to learn and know what is compatible with the learners of some of these representative systems. Therefore, the researchers considered the use of some representative systems (visual and sensory) in developing psychological stability and self-knowledge and learning the basic skills of students in handball. The research aims to identify the effect of the use of some representative systems (visual and sensory) in the development of psychological stability and self-knowledge and learn some basic skills for players emerging handball clubs in the province of Babylon and to Identify the best representative system for the development of psychological stability and self-knowledge and learn some of the basic skills of players emerging handball in the clubs of the province of Babylon. The researchers used the experimental method and determined the research community of the players in the clubs of Babil province handball, which are (48) players and represent the clubs (Qassim, Musayyib, Almdahtih) The sample was selected by simple random search and the number of 30 players were divided into three experimental groups and distribute them (10) for each group. The first group included the sensory system, the second group the optical system and the third group the mixed system (visual + sensory). The main conclusions are, the emergence of a positive impact in the development of psychological stability and self-knowledge and learn some of the basic skills of players emerging handball as a result of the use of educational units of the research groups according to some representative systems. The best representative system for development and learning is the mixed system (visual + sensory). The sensory representation system is better than the visual representation system in evolution and learning.

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