
The article presents materials of theoretical and empirical studies on the state support measures in agricultural production as an element of the imports demotivating policy in the industry. The problem of demotivating imports is connected both with determining the actual ratio of domestic production to the demand and imports of certain types of food, as well as determining the opportunities and conditions for the competitiveness of domestic producers. The study presents an analysis of the production of importsubstituting agricultural products in crop production (vegetables, fruits and berries, potatoes) and animal husbandry (by animal species: meat of cattle, pigs, poultry, and milk) from 2010 to 2019 as a ratio of the actual volume of production by types to the needs of the country’s population. The tendencies of their change are revealed. The volume of dynamics of imports of basic agricultural products from 1990 to 2019 is presented. An overview of the current measures of state economic support of the agricultural sector of the economy from subsidies (compensating and stimulating) and lending at the stage of production and consumption with the amount of financing, as well as the formation of a list of systemically important enterprises of the agricultural sector is given. The article presents the result of an expert sociological survey of the final participants in the process of import substitution in the agro-industrial complex, according to their assessment, the impact of government support measures on the possibility of demotivating imports in the industry This survey revealed the shortcomings of the support system in the opinion of agricultural producers. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in adjusting the existing measures of state support for the production of import-substituting food, taking into account the expert opinion of the subjects interested in the successful development of the agricultural sector.

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