
In the article the features of the assessment in differentiated instruction of English professional communication to the future IT specialists with different levels of foreign language proficiency and various learning styles are considered. Types and forms of control in differentiated instruction are characterized. Receptive, reproductive and productive ways of control are highlighted. The described two-stage model of assessment with partial involvement of adaptive testing includes: enter testing, which allows teachers differentiate students according to the levels of foreign language proficiency and learning styles; progressive adaptive testing, which is implemented in the zone of proximal development, helps to identify individual and group achievement points and needs to optimize test materials to meet students’ current needs; the final testing, which defines the level of foreign language proficiency at the end of the course. It is proposed to implement progressive adaptive testing by using mechanisms of adaptation, expansion and complication, improvement. Adaptive mechanism involves the effect of adapting to individual characteristics, based on the level of foreign language proficiency in the enter testing and a dominant learning style. The mechanism of expansion and complication aims at shifting the emphasis in the learning style of the students (not dominant learning styles), increasing the complexity of tasks for students providing them by various supports. The mechanism of improvement is focused on variations of learning styles, the development of English-language skills, as well as the wide usage of assessment strategies. The criteria for the complexity of the test task are analysed.

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