
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 明社既屋以後,在殘山剩水之間拳拳故國的明遺民,如何安頓個人身心成爲當時知識社群普遍關心的課題。他們的人生選擇不僅代表了個體與國家權力之間的衛突與糾葛,更引導了未來文化與學術思想潮流的走向。在明遺民種種人生抉擇當中,一個極明顯、也極不易爲後人理解的現象,便是士人大規模出家此一文化現象,例稱“遺民逃禪”。逃禪遺民之間有種種差異,方以智(出家後號青原愚者)與金堡(出家後號今釋澹歸)正好代表兩種不同的類型,王夫之對兩種逃禪遺民的批評正好體現了這種價值取向。本文從王夫之、金堡、方以智三人的交遊談起,就三人交遊的軌跡仔細考證,從而以此爲基礎,討論明清之際的知識分子身處天崩地解之際各種價值系統之間的衛突,而種種偏見與誤解的根由其實相當程度是由佛教與儒家長期以來的不同價值觀念所導致。The common concerning of the Ming loyalty is how to comfort their mind and body after the cruel combat. Their choices in such a difficult time reflect the interrelationship between individuals and nations, at the same time, they also leaded the direction of the development of culture and scholarship. There is a very striking and impressive cultural phenomenon is the Buddhist loyalty that the intellectuals who became monks. The comments on Buddhist loyalty are divided which is found in Wang Fu-Zhi’s comments on Fang Yi-Zhi and Jin Bao. This paper try to discuss the value system of Buddhist loyalty through clarification of the detailed process of connection of Wang Fu-Zhi, Fang Yi-Zhi, Jin Bao. In many case, the different value notion cause the fierce quarrel between Buddhism and Confucianism. I also try to sketch out the development of Buddhism in the transition of Ming and Qing.

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