
Mercury (Hg) and its compounds, which pose a health risk to the population not engaged in hazardous industries, enter the human body mainly with food items. First of all, these are seafood, fish and canned fish. In this study, the concentrations of Hg in the muscles of different fish species from the water bodies of the Yaroslavl province were determined. The average values of mercury content range from 0.03 to 0.41 mg/kg wet weight. The recorded levels of mercury accumulation correspond or are close to the previously obtained values in the muscles of fish from freshwater reservoirs of the European part of Russia and European states. The species-specificity of the Hg accumulation process, its dependence on trophic specialization and size-weight characteristics of fish, as well as on the type of reservoir were noted. The regulatory standards established in the Russian Federation for the mercury content in the muscles of non-predatory (<0.3 mg/kg w.w.) and predatory (<0.6 mg/kg w.w.) fish species were exceeded in 0.3% and 16% of the studied non-predatory and predatory fish, respectively. Most specimens of predatory fish species with Hg concentrations in the muscles exceeding the accepted standards were recorded in small lakes with swampy catchment areas, less in reservoirs, and least of all – in medium-sized lakes. The maximum acceptable limits of mercury content in fish and fish products established in the Russian Federation correspond or are close to the current standards accepted in the countries of the European Community and the United States and WHO recommendations, although there is no detailed regulation by age groups and risk groups.

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