
This critical study, relates to criticizing criticism, reveals the methodology of classic critics in extracting fruits of the poetic intentions in their blogs, among which the book (Al-Rawd Al-Mari' in Sin'at Al-Badi') written by Ibn Al-Banaa Al-Marakishy, which represents field of research in recalling the poetic intention. This critical blog embodies an extension of the classic critical project. Hence, Ibn Al-Banaa benefited from his former critics and introduced his thoughts in a different way. Over preamble, intention's concept, its function, and critical value of Al-Rawd Al-Mari, overwhelmed. Over the first subsection, I dealt with mechanism of recalling the poetic intention in this blog, embodied in, the environment, presentation and election. Over the second subsection, I talked about mechanism of criticizing Al-Rawd Al-Mari's poetic intention. It almost takes place among correction and explanation. Over the third subsection, I corrected the mechanism of poetic recalling, which revolves in two aspects: Methodology of selection and methodology of criticism. Finally, I concluded the research with the most important results.

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