
The course of European integration chosen by the state and the further accession of Ukraine to the European Union requires, in turn, the reform of national legislation and the system of authorities, as well as a review of the state's role in the life of public relations, including agrarian ones. In this regard, there is a need to carry out agrarian reform of Ukraine, the main purpose and task of which is to ensure the activity of the national commodity producer, to bring the agrarian sector of Ukraine to the international level, as well as to strengthen the position of Ukrainian products in the world market. However, without the proper involvement of the state, achieving these goals is virtually impossible. That is why the role of the state in ensuring the development of the agro-industrial sector is crucial. At the same time, the state should not interfere in agribusiness, and it is obliged to create only favorable environment for business entities. In this case, it is important to ensure the proper public administration of agrarian legal relations, which in turn creates the need to study the nature of public administration, the purpose and mechanisms of implementation, as well as legislative regulation. At the same time, considerable attention needs to be paid to the study of state support for agriculture, which in recent years has been the main type of state participation in the field of agriculture. Public administration and direct government support for agriculture create the right conditions for agribusiness development, including the opportunity for small and medium-sized businesses to develop. The article explores the concepts of public administration and state support for agriculture, defines their purpose and content. The comparative legal characterization of public administration and state support has been carried out separately, and it has been established that these are different legal categories, but interrelated and interdependent. It is determined that the national legislation of Ukraine does not have definitions of the studied concepts, and therefore one of the directions of reforming the national legislation should be its updating by fixing the concept of public administration, methods, principles of its implementation, etc. The purpose of the study is to compare state support and public administration in agrarian law of Ukraine, to determine common and different characteristics, to establish methods of implementation of state support and public administration, to study the experience of foreign countries on state support and public administration of agricultural producers. The object of the study is the legal relations that arise between the state and other subjects of agrarian legal relations regarding the implementation of public administration and state support of the agrarian sector. The methodological basis of scientific research is represented by the following methods: the method of legal analysis, comparative method, the structural method, the formal legal method. Keywords: public administration, state support, state aid, public administration, agrarian relations, public authorities.

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