
The research aims to determine the role of self-regulatory bodies in monitoring advertising activities and in protecting the child from their adverse influence, to assess the current state of self-regulation in this area in Ukraine and to determine necessary components for its systematic implementation into domestic legal system. In order to achieve aforesaid aims the following methods of legal research have been applied: analysis, systemic analysis, generalization, legal modeling. Specifically, the method of analysis has been used to extract the features of the successful activities that are conducted by selfregulatory organization in other countries. To derive patterns and clarify the reasons for the effective activities of self-regulatory organizations, methods of generalization and systemic analysis have been used. In addition, the method of legal modeling has been elaborated in order to determine the possible ways of self-regulatory system implementation in Ukraine. The author analyzes the concept of self-regulation. The advantages of self-regulation in comparison with the state regulation are evaluated. Namely, it is done through the prism of the relevant legal experience taken from Great Britain, France, the United States of America. The conditions necessary for the implementation of a self-regulatory system are revealed. The current state of self-regulation in Ukraine is scrutinized. This makes it possible to find out the reasons for its underdevelopment in national legal context. In general, the analysis of Ukrainian legislation on advertising is carried out and the issues of the self-regulatory system in the context of protecting children from the negative impact of advertising information are studies thoroughly. Approaches and relevant empirical material analyzed within the article allow the author to arrive at following conclusions. The author identifies the value of self-regulation, particularly, its advantages in comparison with the state regulation. Additionally, the author emphasizes the lack of special legislation in Ukraine that regulates the legal status of self-regulatory organizations in the field of advertising; insufficiency of the scope of public organizations powers stipulated in the legislation; the inconsistency of the activities of a significant number of public associations in this area as well as the absence of a certain sustainable reform in outlined domain. In this vein, the connection between the lack of systemic reforms in this area, desuetude, conflict of laws, as well as incomplete legislation and the decrease in the authority of the law for the actors in the advertising industry is established. The author suggests the ways of implementation of significant institutional changes in the legal regulation for self-regulatory organizations' activities in Ukraine, primarily in terms of consolidating their legal status, functioning certain rules and principles of state control over their activities.

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