
This article discusses modern conditions of human development. It has found that there is a new evolutionary stage in the formation of personality, where the main determinants of her creations are informatization and technologization society, which in its turn leads to a bifurcation of worlds where people are forced to develop themselves: the world of culture / technology ,natural world / artificial world. Keywords: man, posthuman, posthumanity, information, technologization, cyberspace. The new historical stage of human development needs rethinking of old categories and finding new content that reflect those structural changes of the world order, as well as with each person in particular. Accentuated attention to determining the nature of man and his place in the world is researched. It is established that modern human development is characterized as a transition into Post Humanity. Modern man is developed in two worlds - the real and the virtual. And, because of this, a man has several options for his/her development. The first one is to focus on his/her own principles and beliefs that are based on common values and traditions. The second one lays in the deployment of globalization processes, catalysts of which are informatization and technologization, the bodily organization and a person’s inner world is, in turn, transformed. Thus, the present conditions of human development are forcing her to go beyond the space-time and cause - effect connections, defined as traditional society. Therefore, in the bounds of social dimension of existence, a modern man is transformed into one of the actors of an act, so she is personified. In the virtual space the bifurcation of the person is happened: real (true, existential) / imaginary (potential, inoexistential). Nowadays its are not isolated cases, but a new social type - hackers, cyberpunks, gamers, whose existence in the objective world is annoying obstacle. Hence posthumanism is a synthesis of man and technology, so in scientific discourse, the term is used. And the main difference between human -personality and human - factor is that the subject behind the last one, loses self identity and is fragmented. The interaction between such a subject and the world is due to technology. This, in turn, causes a crisis of humanism, which is experiencing by a modern society. It’s start is of accession of the society into socio-technical stage of its development. Therefore, the essence of man is limited to resource. Present time requires from an individual a search of his own I. And such forms of social consciousness as philosophy, religion, science, which were always designed to look for the truth and meaning of life, nowadays are of no interest and the searching itself is lost. Today, truth is interpreted as creating of one’s own success, project and so on. Posthumanism is filled with various information, which in fact does not reflect the objective state of existence, but is only matched to a specific order. Therefore Posthumanism – is a new evolutionary stage of human development, conditions of which significantly differ from all the previous ones.

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