
Introduction: within the framework of the scientific direction on improving the information and control systems of radio monitoring complexes, the issues of forming the structure and content of information resources that ensure the solution of the problems of collecting, processing and presenting radio monitoring data are considered. The starting point was the requirements for information management systems, the basis for the implementation of which is to find a rational structure of information resources and develop mechanisms for their interaction, filling and updating. Purpose: on the basis of an analysis of the requirements for radio monitoring complexes information and control systems, develop scientific and technical proposals for the implementation of scientific developments on the formation of their information resources that ensure the fulfillment of these requirements. Results: the target function of the system, indicators of the quality of its functioning have been determined. The article presents the results of constructing a conceptual model of a single information resource of a radio monitoring complex as a set of structural, functional and ontological models. The main structural elements are the storage of radio monitoring data coming from technical means of detection, direction finding of radio electronic means, a database of indicative descriptions of radio monitoring objects, a factual information resource, a database with the results of processing radio monitoring data, as well as directly processing algorithms. The issues of filling information resources, determining the frequency of their updating are reflected. The composition of the algorithms for operational (current) and thematic (deferred) processing of radio monitoring data is concretized, the main tasks of the control subsystems and the provision of information and control systems are detailed. The software architecture of information support of radio monitoring complexes is proposed. The application of the integrated service bus technology as a metasystem basis of information resources is shown. Conclusions are made about the applicability of the developed scientific and theoretical provisions in practice, examples of the construction of software that implement them are shown. Discussion: the research results can be used in the formation of information resources of multi-level systems and radio monitoring complexes, the information process in which involves multi-stage data processing and their presentation in real time to various consumers.

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