
The article emphasizes that many maritime accidents have been reported over the last few decades, due to the lack of skills of naval officers to control both resources and crisis. Consideration of human resources management is gradually seen as a core part of the human error management approach. The International Maritime Organization has raised the issue of the need to develop human resource management skills on board ships, but the standards of competence and criteria for their assessment have not been fully established. The article shows that most organizations recognize that their human resources are a source of competitive advantage. This recognition, coupled with increased environmental uncertainty, increased cost control and increased government regulation, have enhanced the strategic role of human resource management. It is emphasized that where human resources are a source of competitive advantage of the organization, their management plays a crucial role in providing "best practices" to the strategic planning process at the corporate level. Personnel planning provides another important link to organizational strategy, making critical work accessible and adding time to addressing staff shortages or redundancies. Another strategic value of the human resources function includes environmental scanning and competitive analysis to prove the role and importance of strategic human resource management for enterprise competitiveness. It has been proven that enterprise human resources are a source of competitive advantage and are proposed at the level of strategy development, aligning staff practices, policies and programs with organizational strategy so that desirable employee roles and behaviors support different strategies (eg innovation, quality improvement, cost reduction). The importance of human resources management in the formation of the organizational strategy of the company is established and the practice of strategic management of human resources of advanced enterprises is analyzed. The practical significance of the results obtained is to prove the role of human resources for strategic management. As a result, the involvement of human resources management in strategy formation has increased. It is recommended to use the appropriate components of the human resources planning procedure to address human resource shortages. The article underlines that another important aspect of strategy formulation is the international human resources strategy, which addresses the human resources issue of transferring them to the state as a result of international alliances. Consideration of the practice of applying international alliances has revealed the relationship between international company strategies and human resource planning, as there may be major differences in approaches to human resource management. Factors affecting the level of integration, which include industry differences, shifts in economic activity, technology change, and changing demographics, are considered. Finally, human resources managers must develop the personal skills necessary to participate in formulating a strategy.


  • Сказав, що управління людськими ресурсами несе відповідальність за залучення людей до організації, надання їм допомоги у виконанні їхньої роботи, компенсацію їх праці та вирішення проблем, що виникають

  • Ця роль може бути розглянута в контексті вкладення людських ресурсів у розробку стратегічних альтернатив

  • S. Strategic Human Resources Management: Linking the People with the Strategic Needs of the Business

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Сказав, що управління людськими ресурсами несе відповідальність за залучення людей до організації, надання їм допомоги у виконанні їхньої роботи, компенсацію їх праці та вирішення проблем, що виникають. Мета роботи полягає у доведенні ролі та значенні стратегічного управління людськими ресурсами для конкурентоспроможності підприємства. Що управління людськими ресурсами є ключовим фактором для досягнення конкурентної переваги [3]. Ще один приклад – посилений акцент ARCO [5] на проблемах управління людськими ресурсами у своїй програмі розвитку виконавчої влади.

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