
The study aims to identify research trend centered on keywords most frequently used in research on youthobesity with the topic of exercise during the recent 20 years (from 1999 to 2018) based on domestic academic journals published in the RISS. Keyword network analysis based on network algorithm was used. For the network text analysis, the SNA package of the R program (version 3.5.3) was adopted to extract major keywords based on frequency and to identify the connectivity between them.<BR> First, in regards to youth obesity research with the topic of exercise, body composition (77 times), blood liqids (44 times) and physical fitness (43 times) had high centrality measures. Second, as a result of keyword analysis centered on “body composition”, “obesity level”, “BMI” and “body image”, which are the core keywords related to obesity, “body composition” was included in 77 studies and used as a keyword 80 times; “obesity”, “physical fitness” and “blood lipids” had high centrality measures. Third, “obesity level” was included in 23 studies, and used as a keyword 31 times; “obesity”, “child” and “body composition” showed high centrality measures. Fourth, “BMI” was included in 15 studies, and was used as a keyword 29 keywords; “obesity”, “growth hormone”, “health related fitness”, “self-confidence” and “size perception” had high centrality measures in order.<BR> Fifth, “body image” was included in 11 studies, and was used 25 times as a keyword; “obesity”, “child”, “bodycomposition” and “life habit” had high centrality measures.<BR> As a result, it is considered that the research on youth obesity for the past 20 years since 1999 with the topic ofexercise did not lean to a certain area, but were conducted in various fields along with the changes of the time; a guideline for the prevention of obesity in Korea is deemed to be needed.

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