
Abstract: Two dimensional Fourier transform can be used for the upward continuation of gravity or magnetic field dataacquired at given altitude over a rectangular area. Earth’s curvature is often neglected in most potential field continuations,however, it should be considered over several hundred kilometer field area. In this study, we developed a new methodretaining terms of Earth’s curvature to better perform the continuation of potential field on spherical patch area.Keywords: gravity or magnetic field, upward continuation, Fourier transform요약: 일정고도에서 얻어진 중력 혹은 자력탐사자료에 대하여 보다 높은 고도에서의 값으로 연속하여 구하는 방법, 즉상향연속의 경우 2차원 푸리에변환을 사용할 수 있다. 기존의 상향연속 방법에서는 지구의 곡률이 고려되지 않았으나, 지역이 수백킬로미터 이상으로 넓은 경우 곡률이 고려됨이 바람직하다. 본 연구에서는 지구의 곡률효과를 산정하는 중/자력마당의 새로운 상향연속방법을 계발하였다.주요어: 중자력마당, 상향연속, 푸리에변환 Introduction Gravity and magnetic fields are two potential fields, whichhave been widely used for important reconnaissance surveysin geophysical prospecting. Recently, the data acquisitions ofthese fields are often done by airborne or on-satellite mea-surements. These modern techniques enable us to cover largerarea more easily than ever. With the measurement at givenheight, the upward/downward continuation of potential fieldis a powerful method to investigate the distribution and prop-erties of sources at depth or other features at different heights.If the whole globe is under consideration, spherical harmonicseries would be the relevant one to describe the global field.Upward continuation of gravity or magnetic field has gener-ally been done by two dimensional Fourier transforms on rect-angular and flat areas.Although the flat Earth had been normally assumed in thepotential field continuation, it is desirable to consider the cur-vature of the Earth, when data area exceeds a few degrees oflatitude and longitude. In this study, we derive a new algo-rithm for upward continuation of gravity or magnetic field ona spherical patch area (Fig. 1). Both the field and its potentialcan be continued by similar ways with only different expo-nents for radial dependence.

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