
The article demonstrates how the variability of water content in technosols affects the temporal dynamics of terrestrial invertebrates and finds the properties of species response curves to soil water content. The hypothesis that the effects of soil moisture on terrestrial invertebrate populations and communities depend both directly on soil water content and on other environmental factors and spatial and temporal variables was tested. It has been shown that in order to determine the real values of the optimum and tolerance of species, it is necessary to first extract the influence of other factors on their response. The study was conducted at the research center of the Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (Pokrovsk, Ukraine). To study the spatial and temporal variability of abundance, species richness and species composition of invertebrate communities at the experimental site, animals were collected using Barber traps. The range of moisture available to plants, precipitation, wind speed, air temperature (daily minimum, daily maximum, mean daily temperature), atmospheric humidity, and atmospheric pressure were used as environmental predictors of the invertebrate ecological niche. Two-dimensional geographic coordinates of sampling points were used to create a set of orthogonal spatial variables based on eigenvectors. Each of the vectors represents a paternoster of a certain scale within the sampling area. Similarly, only a one-dimensional series of dates during which sampling was conducted was used to create a set of temporal variables based on eigenvectors. Each of the vectors represents a paternoster of a certain scale within the time period under study. Spatial and temporal variables are used as spatial and temporal predictors of species recall. 257437 invertebrates (Arthropoda and Mollusca) were collected from 6 classes, 13 series, 50 families, and 202 species or parata xonomic units. The distribution of moisture content indicators available to plants, weighted by animal abundance, is polymodal and can be represented as a mixture of three normal distributions. Fractionation of community variability in relation to meteorological data, spatial and temporal predictors, and type of technozem was performed based on two ordination methods (CCA and RDA). The fractionation of community variation based on the CCA-procedure indicates the grea test role of complex factors that result from the interaction of temporal and spatial predictors as well as temporal, spatial and meteorological factors. The results based on the RDA-procedure also indicate a significant role in the interaction of meteorological and temporal factors. These results indicate the need to isolate the role of soil moisture factor interaction with other factors to assess the effect of soil moisture on invertebrate community dynamics.


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Оriginal researches

Temporal Dynamics of the Terrestrial Invertebrate Community Under Conditions of Land Reclamation. Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Hetmanska Str., 20, Melitopol, 72318, Ukraine. Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Gagarin Av., 8, Dnipro, 49005, Ukraine. Temporal dynamics of the terrestrial invertebrate community under conditions of land reclamation. V. Babchenko2 1Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine 2Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Часова динаміка угруповань наземних безхребетних в умовах рекультивації земель
Матеріал та методи
Індикаторне значення ґрунтової вологості
Розподіли оптимумів та толерантності видів у градієнті вологості
Enidae Hygromiidae
Код статистичної вірогідності
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