
Background. Over a long period, an open capsular synovectomy technique was recommended for villous nodular synovitis and synovial chondromatosis of the knee joint. However, such surgical treatment is accompanied by significant trauma to the joint tissue and frequent postoperative recurrence. Currently, it is advisable to assess the possibilities of modern treatment methods (arthroscopic cold plasma ablation) for rare diseases of the knee joint. The aim of the study. To assess the possibilities of arthroscopic cold plasma ablation in a series of clinical observa-tions of the surgical treatment of patients with rare diseases of the knee joint synovium in a statistically small sample. Material and methods. Surgical treatment was performed in 14 patients with diseases of the knee joint synovium. We carried out clinical and radiological examinations, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, multi-detector computed tomographic angiography, ultrasound examination, Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower extremities, biochemical examination of synovial fluid, arthroscopy with targeted biopsy and subsequent morphological examination of the synovial membrane. Results. In 7 patients with pigmented villous nodular synovitis, the following surgeries were performed: in 1 patient with the diffuse form – an open subtotal capsular sinovectomy; in 6 patients with the nodular form – an arthroscopic partial cold plasma capsular sinovectomy of the knee joint. In 7 patients with synovial chondromatosis, an arthroscopic removal of cartilage flaps and partial cold plasma ablation of synovial folds and knee joint villi were carried out. Conclusion. Arthroscopic cold plasma ablation with bipolar electrodes in various modes of the Qvantum-2 (Arthro-Care, USA) using anterior, posterolateral and suprapatellar approaches makes it possible to carry out less traumatic and radical, without damaging deep layers of cartilage and capsule, surgical treatment of rare diseases of the knee joint synovium. In diffuse forms of pigmented villous nodular synovitis, it is advisable to continue comparative studies of various surgical methods of capsular sinovectomy (open and arthroscopic techniques).

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