
The paper considers the specifics of research in the field of academic integrity in the works of researchers in the United States of America. The main purpose of the paper is to describe the peculiarities of the interpretation of the concept of honesty as a component of the value basis of academic integrity in the papers of US researchers. The main sources of information on the issue of integrity in the research of scientists in the United States in the context of academic integrity are both scientific papers and case studies and various informational resources and manuals for students on the issue of integrity and ethics. In the works of scholars the research question is considered in philosophical and educational contexts. One of the key issues is also the opposition of the concepts of "honesty" - "dishonesty", which allows us to offer a convenient in terms of practical application of the definition, and take into account the main aspects of the problem. Along with the study of the concept of honesty, there is also the concept of "honest behavior" and the opposite "dishonest behavior". Teachers in higher education institutions in the United States receive significant resource and methodological support, which helps to involve them in the process of forming values of the academic environment, in particular, taking into account the priority of academic integrity. An important source of information about academic dishonesty for students is special manuals and codes of conduct for students, which are mostly posted on the websites of educational institutions. The information provided in such sources highlights the rights and responsibilities of students and educators, and serves as a guide. Quite interesting is the approach of American scientists to the prevention of academic dishonesty, which is based on modeling the profiles of "academically honest student" and "academically dishonest student." The scientific understanding of the issue is mostly based on the activity approach. Taking into account the specifics of educational activities, theoretical models of honest and dishonest behavior are formed, in accordance with these models, recommendations are created for participants in the educational process. As the prospects for further studies we can mention the research aimed at adapting the scientific achievements of US researchers for implementation in the system of educational work in educational institutions of Ukraine.

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