
In the article the author focuses on the problem of complex adaptation of the methodical system of teaching computer science to students in the conditions of inclusive education. The pedagogical experiment was conducted from 2013-2019. in four stages: theoretical-analytical, diagnostic-search, experimental and generalizing. At the theoretical and analytical stage of the pedagogical experiment, a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological, psychological and pedagogical and educational literature on the research problem was conducted; actualization of the posed problems; Methods of theoretical and experimental research, as well as criteria and indicators of the formation of compensatory-adaptive competencies of students with special educational needs have been developed. At the diagnostic and search stage the analysis of components of methodical system of training of computer science in the course of professional training of pupils with special needs in inclusive classes is carried out, the empirical material is collected; diagnostic methods of research are developed and the statement check of pedagogical experiment is carried out. A list of compensatory-adaptive competencies that affect the quality of computer science studies by students with special educational needs has been formed. The purposes, the maintenance, methods, means and forms of the organization of educational process, a technique of their use in the course of training of computer science of pupils with special needs in establishments of professional education in the conditions of inclusion are investigated. Technical means and special software have been selected, a method of their use has been developed to support computer science education for students with visual impairments, students with hearing impairments and students with musculoskeletal disorders. At the experimental stage, the effectiveness of the adapted methodological system of teaching computer science to students of vocational education institutions in the conditions of inclusion was confirmed and a formative check of the pedagogical experiment was carried out. At the generalizing stage of pedagogical experiment it is substantiated that adaptation of components of methodical system of training of computer science of pupils with special educational needs according to values ​​and principles of inclusive education, promotes formation and development of the creative personality, the skilled and competitive expert.

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