
The present article looks at the problem of expressing emotions by means of the interrogative sentences in modern English. The urgency of the given work is motivated by the general gnoseological importance of the problem of interrogation as a possible way of expressing emotivity in the utterance. Despite the steady interest the researchers studying the problem of conveying emotions in the utterance, there are still no linguistic works dedicated to the problem of using questions for this purpose. The main objective of this work is the defining the communicative and cognitive essence of interrogative sentences in the aspect of showing emotional attitude of the speaker to the information given in the utterance. We concretize such notions as «expressiveness», «emotivity» and «emotions» single out the most typical interrogative constructions used to express emotions. The work is based upon the analysis of 6000 interrogative sentences selected consequently from the characters’ dialogue of the contemporary English detective novels. The results of the investigation testify that there are five structurally different interrogative sentence types usually used to convey emotions in the dialogue, negative question being the most frequent among them. The general conclusion is made that interrogative sentences function in speech not only as a special mechanism for demanding information and cognition but also as a way of expressing the emotional state of the speaker.

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