
This scientific article is devoted to the analysis of theoretical principles, legislation, scientific positions on improving the priorities and mechanisms of monetary policy in the national financial security system. The purpose of the study is to strengthen the process of national financial security. The subject of the study is to identify key points in the national financial security system and the implementation of theoretical and methodological principles, as well as scientific and practical recommendations for the implementation of mechanisms to improve monetary policy. The conceptual provisions of monetary policy and its provisions in the national system of economic and financial security are formulated. The authors substantiate that today the financial systems of individual countries, as well as other sectors of the economy, are improving and progressing in the context of globalization, the spread of IT technologies and general computerization; Electronic cryptocurrency replaces traditional money issued by the state. It is substantiated that over the last year the cryptocurrency has won the interest not only of people, but of entire states, which have begun to actively introduce this currency into their daily circulation. This means of payment is already gaining momentum in use in developed countries. The focus is on the analysis of the concept of "blockchain". The article states that today Ukraine is among the ten countries in the world in the number of bitcoin nodes in the global bitcoin network, the leader in the number of bitcoin businessmen. The study summarizes the methods, tools and means of state regulation in the monetary sphere in order to strengthen the financial security of the state. The conceptual basis for the formation and implementation of monetary policy has been developed. The authors conclude that the strategic vector of movement for Ukraine is the need to adopt a specialized legislative act "On cryptocurrency circulation in Ukraine" in order to create conditions for the introduction of network segmentation technologies, which in the long run will reduce globalization and further develop cryptocurrency market infrastructure.

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