
Yarmolinskyi, L. Purpose: to study the condition of posture of young football players and to develop the multimedia information and methodical system “TORSO” for the further use in the educational-training process. Material & Methods: analysis of special scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, videometry and biomechanical analysis of posture. The research was conducted on the basis of the department of kinesiology of National university of physical eduaction and sport of Ukraine. Football players of 7 years old in number of 40 people participated in the research. Results: it is established that such type of violation of biogeometrical profile of posture as rounded back – at 30%, scoliotic posture – at 22%, rounded – hollow – at 16%, flat – at 6% and flat – hollow – at 2% most often meets at football players of 7 years. The obtained data caused the development of the information and methodical system “TORSO” which is expedient for using both for the prevention, and for the increase in level of theoretical knowledge of young football players and coaches. Conclusions: introduction of computer technologies to practice of preparation and organization of the educational-training process of young sportsmen will allow bringing the quality of training of sports reserve to the new methodical level.

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