
Textbook "managing cash flow" is based on a similar discipline which is part of the educational programme of the Financial University for training Bachelors to direction of preparation 38.03.02 "management", financial profile. Discipline treats all topics of general courses in financial management and corporate finance. Difference of discipline is that it focuses on cash flow management (rather than capital, profitability, etc.) and consequently, the discipline examines corporate finance and financial management in terms of cash flow management. Cash flow management is usually the essence of the work of a Finance Manager, and it treats activities of an Organization in terms of cash flows. That is usually a feature of outlook of financial manager and distinguishes it from other managers. Due to the nature of their work, financial managers must also bear in mind the issues of competitiveness, efficiency, profitability and sustainability of the company, which commonly are the focus of the General Manager. The workshop aims to develop the skills necessary for this activity.

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