
Log-domain filters are a family of continuous time filters that instead of being designed using locally linearized components, directly exploit the non-linear nature of a BJT, or a MOSFET transistor operating in weak inversion, in order to obtain a system with overall linear performance. This way they exhibit high linearity even for large signal to bias ratios. In addition they have some other interesting features like tunability and the ability to work at high frequencies even with low voltage supplies. In the present dissertation a new method for the design of log-domain filters is proposed, based on the well-known wave method. According to this method log-domain filters can be designed using the wave scattering parameters or using the wave port terminator block. Structures of log-domain wave filters using wave scattering parameters are initially proposed. In this approach the log-domain wave equivalent of a series inductor is transformed from linear to log-domain. Log-domain wave equivalents of the other basic elements of a passive prototype are then derived by the interchange of its outputs or/and the addition of voltage inverters. These equivalents are then connected together forming the actual filter. Log-domain differential wave filters can be designed by the introduction of the log-domain differential wave equivalent of the series inductor. Using a different approach, log-domain wave filters have been designed, introducing the block of a log-domain wave port terminator. Using this block, the log-domain wave equivalent of a shunt capacitor is derived as the based structure element. The wave equivalents of other basic elements of the passive prototype are derived as before interchanging its outputs or/and adding voltage inverters. Finally the influence of the non-ideal characteristics of the BJT transistor on the frequency response of the derived filters is analyzed and efficient methods are proposed for their compensation.

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