
Statement of the problem. At present when expansion of linguistic and cultural contacts between countries and peoples is growing, the problem of studying the phenomenon of transculturalism acquires particular relevance. Cultural interaction, fusion of cultural traditions and overcoming cultural isolation is reflected on the stage of linguistic interaction and translational creativity of emigrant writers who, being cut off from the linguistic processes of the metropolis in a new linguistic environment, use the language of the host country, combining elements of two linguistic systems and cultures. The purpose of this article is to study and single out the features of the Russian cultural substrate in the works by the modern emigrant writer M.D. Schrayer. Review of scientific literature on the problem. Along with a large number of works devoted to the language of translingual writers, works on the analysis of the Russian-language substrate in the texts by modern authors who create their texts in English are quite few and do not completely solve the problem of the functional significance of this phenomenon. The methodology (materials and methods). The article is based on the analysis and generalization of articles devoted to the problem of cultural substrate and translingual literature done by Russian and foreign linguists from the point of view of linguocultural analysis of the text, component analysis of the semantic structure of lexical units and synchronous comparison of linguistic units belonging to different systems. Research results. Based on the analysis of the texts by M. Schrayer functioning of the Russian-language substrate in the English texts was analysed. The methods of semantization of Russian cultural elements and their use in order to fulfill certain aesthetic functions were studied. It was revealed that the Russian cultural substrate is organically included in the description of Russian reality, creates the image of Russia, expands the idea of ​​the people inhabiting this country and their culture. Conclusion. The English-language literary texts by M. Schrayer are a vivid example of intercultural communication. The use of the Russian cultural substrate in English-language texts serves as a kind of information transfer channel at the intercultural level. Russian cultural elements demonstrate how an emigrant writer includes his experience in a literary work, they convey the author’s attitude, reveal the connection of his biography to an eventful series of his works, which ultimately forms and interprets the image of Russia in a foreign language communicative sphere.

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