
The article presents the results of research aimed at studying the effect of the Nitamin liquid vitamin supplement on changes in live weight and the main hematological parameters of young rabbits. The studies were carried out at the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MGAVMiB – MVA named after K.I. Scriabin in the period 2021–2022. The objects of the study were young rabbits bred by crossing two meat breeds, the Soviet chinchilla and the New Zealand white. The drug «Nitamin» is a liquid vitamin drink supplement aimed at replenishing the deficiency of vitamins A, D3 , E and C in the body of animals. «Nitamin» experimental animals received with water for drinking four days from the age of 60 days and from the age of 74 days at the rate of 1 ml/1 liter of water. The results of the studies indicate that the rabbits who received the drug "Nitamin" with water for drinking, gained live weight more intensively, the weight of the experimental rabbits at the end of the experiment was 3.77 ± 0.26 kg, which is 12.87% more than in control group. The main hematological parameters of young rabbits after the use of the medicinal drinking supplement "Nitamin" were within the physiological norm without pronounced deviations. The amount of hemoglobin in the blood of rabbits of the experimental group at the end of the experiment significantly increased by 28.74% and amounted to 136.14±4.26 g/l. The content of total protein in the blood serum of rabbits of the experimental group significantly increased by 4.81% and amounted to 59.23±3.13 g/l. The obtained research results indicate that the drug "Nitamin" can be used as a safe supplement for the main diet of rabbits in order to increase live weight without exposing their body to any dangerous and harmful effects.

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