
In the Kherson region, the southern and southwestern regions are characterizedby a rather high percentage of the reserve, in particular, due to the presence of largeareas of the nature reserve fund (biosphere reserves "Askania-Nova" and"Chernomorskiy", the national nature parks "Oleshkivsky Piski", " "Dzharylgatsky","Azov-Sivash" and "Nizhnedneprovsky"). And the northern and north-eastern part ofthe region is extremely anthropogenically transformed, so the probability of creating alarge area and the category of the object is rather low. However, as a result of theresearch, the territory was identified, surrounded by agro-landscapes, which needs tobe preserved. The presented steppe vegetation represents both typical groups and anumber of groups of the Green Book of Ukraine, some species from the Red Data Bookof Ukraine and the Red List of Kherson Oblast. According to the results of a study of the northern part of the Kherson region inthe valley of the river. Ingulets is characterized in a sozologic respect to the value ofthe territory, including an aesthetic assessment of the territory within the DavydoBrodsky village council. A botanical reserve of local importance is proposed forprotection, within which remains of fescue-feather grass steppes are represented. Ingeneral, on the territory of the projected object, 204 species of vascular plants wereidentified. 13 species are of the so- sological value (Ornithogalum boucheanum(Kunth) Asch., Gymnospermium odessanum (DC.) Takht, Stipa capillata L., S.ucrainica P. Smirn., Tulipa hypanica Klokov et Zoz, Pulsatilla pratensis (L.) Mill.,Ephedra distachya L., Vinca herbacea Waldst. & Kit., Bellevalia sarmatica (Georgi)Voronov, Krascheninnikovia ceratoides (L.) Gueldenst., Hyacinthella leucophaea(K.Koch) Schur, Paronychia cephalotes (M. Bieb.) Besser., Quercus robur L.), whichare included in the security lists at different levels. Also, the regionally rare mossspecies − Didymodon insulanus (De Not) M. Hill, Tortula canescens Mont and thefungus − Morchella steppicola Zerova (Red Data Book of Ukraine) have beenidentified on the territory of the projected botanical reserve.Key words: scientific basis, botanical reserve, sociological value, aestheticevaluation, Ingulec.

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