
The theme of the aesthetics of science runs through the entire history of philosophy and the history of science. Plato defined the highest meanings of harmony in the concept of good as a synthesis of the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty. The systemic crisis into which technogenic civilization has plunged is a clear symptom of a violation of the principles of harmony as the sustainability of the co-evolution of nature, technology, society and man. The author of the article believes that in clarifying the causes of the crisis and the features of the historical situation of the macroshift, it is worth taking into account the features of the patterns of universal cyclicity. Based on an analysis of philosophical teachings and scientific models, the article highlights the features of cyclical development that are included in scientific use. “Everything is connected to everything” in modern cognition becomes a regulatory principle for the study of co-evolutionary changes. The unity of universal life leads to the conclusion about the existence of a single rhythm and laws of large cycles. The law of spiral-rotational motion underlies the collection of matter (the material world) and the accumulation of ideas, reflecting the spirit of the era and guiding evolutionary development. The return of ideas is reflected in models of social dynamics. During transition periods, in the phase of superposition of the old turn of the spiral on a new turn, one can observe the resonance of times. Human development goes through different stages of cultural and cognitive evolution. In the growth of consciousness, transitions from one round of individual (or social development) are accompanied by processes of purification (crises), enlightenment (affirmation of a new vector) and improvement (new stage of evolution). At points of crisis, intense mobilization of all human organismic and spiritual forces occurs. In humanistic scenarios, the leading vector of the macroshift is aimed at reorienting from a materialintellectual mechanical civilization to a culture of spirit. The spiritual principle in culture is manifested in the expansion and refinement of consciousness, the synthesis of knowledge and beauty, the synthesis of action (objectification of ideas) and internal contemplation (direct knowledge), expanding the scale of responsibility up to planetary-noospheric and cosmic responsibility.The theme of the aesthetics of science runs through the entire history of philosophy and the history of science. Plato defined the highest meanings of harmony in the concept of good as a synthesis of the ideals of truth, goodness and beauty. The systemic crisis into which technogenic civilization has plunged is a clear symptom of a violation of the principles of harmony as the sustainability of the co-evolution of nature, technology, society and man. The author of the article believes that in clarifying the causes of the crisis and the features of the historical situation of the macroshift, it is worth taking into account the features of the patterns of universal cyclicity. Based on an analysis of philosophical teachings and scientific models, the article highlights the features of cyclical development that are included in scientific use. “Everything is connected to everything” in modern cognition becomes a regulatory principle for the study of co-evolutionary changes. The unity of universal life leads to the conclusion about the existence of a single rhythm and laws of large cycles. The law of spiral-rotational motion underlies the collection of matter (the material world) and the accumulation of ideas, reflecting the spirit of the era and guiding evolutionary development. The return of ideas is reflected in models of social dynamics. During transition periods, in the phase of superposition of the old turn of the spiral on a new turn, one can observe the resonance of times. Human development goes through different stages of cultural and cognitive evolution. In the growth of consciousness, transitions from one round of individual (or social development) are accompanied by processes of purification (crises), enlightenment (affirmation of a new vector) and improvement (new stage of evolution). At points of crisis, intense mobilization of all human organismic and spiritual forces occurs. In humanistic scenarios, the leading vector of the macroshift is aimed at reorienting from a materialintellectual mechanical civilization to a culture of spirit. The spiritual principle in culture is manifested in the expansion and refinement of consciousness, the synthesis of knowledge and beauty, the synthesis of action (objectification of ideas) and internal contemplation (direct knowledge), expanding the scale of responsibility up to planetary-noospheric and cosmic responsibility.

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