
In conditions of construction and functioning of innovative model of economy, of a necessity of creation and introduction of new technics and advanced technologies in manufacture the right to results of scientific and technical creativity acquires importance. The vast majority of scientific works of authors devoted to an analysis of the legal protection of industrial property, concerns only certain aspects of problematic issues of legal regulation of relations arising in the protection of industrial designs in the conditions of European integration of Ukraine. Therefore, there is a need for theoretical research on issues related to the improvement of Ukrainian legislation in this area to the legislation of the European Union. The article considers the problems of bringing the institute of industrial designs of Ukraine in line with the legislation of the European Union. The ways of improvement of the legislation of Ukraine in the field of protection of the rights to industrial designs to the European norms are offered. The concept of „industrial design” in the relevant national legislation has been improved. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of expanding the range of products, an appearance of which may receive legal protection in Ukraine as industrial designs. It is proposed to harmonize the relevant national legislation with the Civil Code of Ukraine on the validity of intellectual property rights to registered and unregistered industrial designs. It is concluded that Ukraine’s aspiration for European integration presupposes taking into account the positive experience of the relevant legislation of the European Union member states. Since measures aimed at introducing effective mechanisms for the protection of rights to industrial property objects are determined by the course of Ukraine’s accession to the European Union, therefore they are determined by the need to comply with European norms for such protection. However, it is emphasized that it is important not just to copy certain approaches to the protection of industrial property rights, which are enshrined in European Union law, but a systematic scientific approach to internal coherence and consideration of all elements of positive national law. The strength of scientific and technical, economic and legal development of Ukraine and the formation of an effective innovative model of the national economy depends on this.

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