
Wormholes are topological tunnels in space. At the moment, these objects remain purely theoretical, but their existence has not been experimentally disproved. The main condition for the existence of wormholes is that the matter of which the wormhole consists must be exotic, i.e. at least the тгдд energy condition ρ+p_r>0 must be violated, where ρ is the energy density, p_r is the pressure along the radial coordinate r. In classical physics, it is generally assumed that matter cannot violate the energy condition, however, experiments conducted in laboratories studying the Casimir effect have shown that negative densities ρ<0 can exist. On the cosmological scale, dark energy has a negative density. This concept was introduced to explain the reason for the accelerated expansion of the Universe. It is believed that dark energy causes an anti-gravity effect and violates the energy condition. Although the nature of dark energy is still unclear, it can be assumed that wormholes consist of this type of energy. The paper proposes to consider the accretion of dark energy and non-phantom matter (dust, stiff matter, quintessence) to a massless wormhole with a scalar field. Accretion is the process of capturing matter by a massive object (neutron star, black hole and etc.) from vicinity, which leads to a change in the mass of the central object. This process is a widespread phenomenon in the Universe and is responsible for the formation of stars and planets. There is a hypothesis that supermassive black holes in the centers of spiral and elliptical galaxies could have formed due to accretion. As a result of the analysis of the process of accretion to a wormhole, it was found that, with the accretion of dark energy ρ<0, the mass of the central object increases/

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