
The purpose. To implement scientifically justified system of use of founder cells in veterinary cell regenerative medicine in view of world experience and reachings of domestic biology and veterinary medicine. Methods. Analytical, experimental, laboratory, clinical, comparative, statistical. Results. Main ways of wide implementation of methods of cell therapy in clinical veterinary medicine are offered. Conclusions. With the purpose to speed-up rates of development of domestic veterinary cell regenerative medicine it is necessary to concentrate forces of scientific, educational and practical sphere of range to implementation of methods of cell regenerative medicine into clinical practice through deepening scientific studies and spread of knowledge among specialists of veterinary medicine. To secure necessities of veterinary clinics in quality and safety products of cell techniques it is offered to develop a package of normative deeds (orders, instructions, rules, etc.). The offered system of use of donor founder cells in veterinary medicine allows reducing the price considerably of the method of regenerative medicine and to make it more accessible.

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