
The purpose of this study is to provide a basic foundation for realizing theactualization of educational autonomy through the maturation of local educational autonomy inKorea. This study seeks to strengthen the education policy of the superintendent electedthrough a direct election system and seeks for democratic control measures regarding the legalmeaning of direct election system for the superintendent, Board of Education, andrepresentativeness and the authority of the superintendent, to prevent clashes and conflicts from occurring when the superintendent's views on education policy or ideology are differentfrom those of the Minister of Education and the heads of local governments. Democraticcontrol measures include reviving an independent Board of Education and revitalizing theresident recall system through electronic voting using blockchain. As the Board of Educationwas integrated into the standing committee of the local council, the members of the Board ofEducation are formed from it, and due to the absence of qualification standards such ascertain educational and educational administration experience, it is difficult for them to fulfilltheir role as a check on the superintendent, which violates the constitutional principle ofprofessionalism in education. Therefore, I believe that the current government shouldre-institutionalize the constitutional independent Board of Education system.

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