
The national economy in market conditions involves the country's inclusion in world integration processes. A special role in solving this problem goes to the regulation of export-import trade, in particular to the Ukrainian oilseeds market. Oilseeds crops traditionally occupy a significant place in the formation of economic growth of the country. In the current conditions, Ukraine actively interacts with the world market of oilseeds crops, participates in a complex system of export-import oilseeds trade regulation in such levels: corporate, national, intergovernmental, supranational and global. The purpose of the study is to identify trends and peculiarities of the system of regulation of exportimport trade of soya, rapeseed and sunflower as the most important crops in the structure of foreign trade of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodology of the research is based on foreign and domestic scientific articles on the necessity of combining market and state regulation of the agrarian market, as well as analytical works and generalization of expert opinions in the investigated sector of the economy. Methods of system generalization, abstract-logical, analysis and synthesis were used. Results. The paper highlights a system of international trade regulation, including oilseeds crops, which has certain levels and instruments characteristics. Particularly, the oilseeds crops market in the corporate level implies the existence of such instrument as a restrictive business practice; national – foreign economic and foreign trade policy; interstate – preferential and discriminatory regimes; supranational – integration tools; global – operates on the basis of decisions of world organizations – the World Trade Organization (WTO), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Federation of oilseed crop trade associations, seeds and fats, etc. It is revealed that the country forms its own system and structure of state regulation of foreign economic activity. An important strategic task of oilseeds producers is a choice of the optimal organizational structure of international trade. If in the trade structure of the company export is not dominant, then it is worth resorting to the services of intermediaries. The paper describes the experience of highly developed countries in regulating the agrarian market by the state, which demonstrates the protection of the domestic producer. The importance of foreign trade in the country’s economy has led to the formation of foreign trade policy, which is defined as a certain course of government and power structures, the use of such principles, methods and instruments of influence on the development of foreign trade of the country, which ensures the achievement of certain goals and the realization of national interests. The positive effects of Ukraine's participation in the WTO, which regulates economic processes at the global level, were identified. The special role of the UN FAO, which is to study strategic and tactical approaches to tackling food issues on a global scale, while using the indicator as the ratio of world stocks to their world consumption was highlighted. Practical meaning. The practical results are to develop theoretical and methodological provisions and practical recommendations aimed at increasing the efficiency of development of export-import relations in the market of oilseeds production in Ukraine. The export-import policy of Ukraine should be based on the unification of efforts both on the support of the domestic commodity producer and in relation to the needs of consumers. This consensus can be achieved through direct subsidies directly to agricultural producers and indirect support by increasing the demand for domestic products of the agro-industrial sector, which is a prospect for further research.

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