
In the modern world, where technological progress is rapidly accelerating and affecting all aspects of life, public administration becomes an integral part of this dynamic process. This article is dedicated to the study and exploration of a wide range of aspects and trends in the use of digital technologies in the field of public administration. Currently, governments and municipal bodies consider digital tools as a key instrument for optimizing their work. These tools have the potential to enhance interaction with the public, provide greater transparency and efficiency in decision-making processes. However, along with new opportunities, new challenges emerge, such as issues related to cybersecurity, protection of personal data, and ethical considerations associated with the application of technology in public administration. In an era marked by rapid technological advancements, the role of digital technologies in transforming public administration cannot be overstated. These technologies offer immense potential to streamline bureaucratic processes, enhance government transparency, and improve the delivery of public services. They empower governments to engage with citizens more effectively, making governance more responsive and citizen-centric. However, this digital transformation is not without its challenges. The article analyzes the latest scientific literature and research dedicated to this topic with the aim of identifying and thoroughly examining key trends. Special attention is given to successful initiatives and innovations in the field of digital governance that have already been successfully implemented in various countries around the world. In the article's conclusions, a comprehensive summary of the obtained data is provided, and perspectives for further research in this field are outlined. Additionally, emphasis is placed on the importance of strengthening cybersecurity measures and regulating the use of digital technologies in public administration. This article represents a significant contribution to understanding the impact of digital technologies on contemporary public administration and serves as a foundation for further discussions and research in this field. It is intended for researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in public administration and innovations in this context.

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