
At the moment, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the socioeconomic development of recent years has been provided not so much by qualitative and intensive growth, but by increasing pressure in "investment bubbles," speculation in the markets and the release of additional money supply. The latest data show that with the growth of computerization of workplaces of employees, their productivity does not increase (the Solow paradox has not received an unambiguous scientific refutation). This forces us to turn again to the key source of formation of the economic potential of the modern enterprise - human resources. It is human resources that can give meaningful filling to information technologies as the leading factor of production in the information society. The urgency of the presented research is caused by the fact that in the conditions of the post-crisis society the human resources of the enterprise are one of the most valuable, in connection with which they require special attention and a cautious, deliberate approach, as well as constant monitoring. The monograph consistently presents modern technologies of training and development of the organization's personnel; Modern technologies of selection, selection and hiring of personnel; Technology of effective work with the personnel of the organization and technology of optimization of labor activity of the personnel; Technologies for the release of personnel and the prospects for their use in times of crisis; The wide possibilities which are given by the competence approach in management of the personnel of the organization are presented; Effective personnel technologies of interaction of employers with graduates of higher educational institutions with the purpose of formation of competences of competitive experts in the labor market are revealed. In conclusion, examples of practical implementation of some of the technologies presented in the work with the personnel of Russian organizations are presented. Revealing the full potential of technologies for personnel training, the monograph emphasizes the importance of corporate training for personnel and methods for assessing it. In the monograph features of the technology of gaming are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of gaming in the training of the personnel of the organization are indicated, the logical scheme of application of gaming in the training of the personnel of the organization is presented. The monograph consistently presents modular training, distance learning, mentoring, action learning, training in working groups, metaphorical play, "Shadowing" training, "secondment" training, and "buddying" teaching. Modern technologies of training and development of the organization's personnel are presented in the monograph and the possibilities of using the case-method and benchmarking.

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