
Purpose: To present an analysis of the current state of the Russian legal, standard, and methodical regulatory framework of the radiation safety in comparison with up-to-date international recommendations and to propose further ways to improve it. Results: Management of the radiation safety has three levels - legal, standard and methodical. The up-to-date international system for management of the radiation safety is based on the documents of the UNSCEAR, ICRP and IAEA, which are used in national legal, standard, and methodical systems on a voluntary basis. The accumulated more than seventy-five years of experience in the widespread use of nuclear technologies shows its safety. The experience of mitigation of the radiation accidents that took place in the USSR and in Russia, including the largest one - the Chernobyl accident, leaves no doubt that the current system for management of the radiation safety is effective under normal operation of radiation facilities and in emergency situations. At the same time, the analysis shows that the Russian legal, standard, and methodical regulatory framework is based on the concepts, standards, international recommendations of the 1990s. Therefore, regarding many important aspects, they do not correspond to the up-to-date international radiation protection system and they are needed to be harmonized with international approaches in this area. Conclusion: First of all, it is necessary to develop a new federal law “On radiation safety in the Russian Federation” and after that, on its basis, to prepare new documents of the federal level: Radiation safety standards and Basic rules for management of the radiation safety. At the next stage, labour-consuming processing of the regulatory documents of the standardization system in the field of management of the radiation safety of workers, public, patients and the environment is needed to be carried out.

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