
Purpose: improve the methodology for preparing junior kickboxers for sports fights due to the development of specific perceptions. Material and methods. The following scientific methods were used in this study: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature; pedagogical observations; instrumental method; pedagogical testing; pedagogical experiment; mathematical and statistical research methods. Results: а set of tests for tablet computers (Ashanin V.S., Romanenko V.V., 2015) was used to test specific perceptions, such as «Sense of pace», «Sense of change in the size of the object», «Accuracy of reproduction of a given line». An instrumental method, namely video computer analysis, was used to estimate time slots. To determine the time intervals, as a parameter that displays the quality of the equipment, it was proposed to perform a technical-tactical combination (TTC): «Jeb» (direct hand, near) - «Punch» (direct hand, far) - «Side-kick» (side kick). Based on the study of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observations, conversations with trainers, pedagogical tests were selected to evaluate the investigated indicators and a set of special exercises was developed to improve the quality of sports duels of junior kickboxers. The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate that the use of the exercises of the proposed complex of special exercises positively affects the development of specific perceptions such as a feeling of pace, a feeling of distance, an opponent's feeling, a feeling of impact, etc. Increasing the level of manifestation of specific perceptions positively affects the quality of technical and tactical actions, which allows you to receive winning points in a sports match. Conclusions. It was determined that at the end of the pedagogical experiment, the time intervals of athletes of the experimental group are statistically significantly shorter (p<0,01) than the time intervals of athletes of the control group. The difference between the indicators of special physical fitness in athletes of the study groups at the end of the pedagogical experiment is not statistically reliable (p>0,05). Analysis of the results of determining the sense of pace indicates that the indicators of athletes of the experimental group are statistically significant (p<0,01) different from those of athletes of the control group. Statistically significant improvement of tempo sense (p<0,01) and accuracy of reproduction of a given line (p<0,05) is the cause of positive changes in sensory, motor mechanisms of motion control. These changes caused a decrease in time intervals and improved accuracy of striking in a technical and tactical connection. A comparative analysis of the results of control fights showed that athletes of the experimental group performed technical and tactical actions better and earned more winning points than athletes of the control group (W=29,5; p<0,05). Keywords: kickboxing, specific perceptions, technical and tactical compounds, competitions, fight.

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