
The article deals with issues related to the interaction of law enforcement and other bodies, as well as its impact on strengthening economic security in general. The concept of interaction should be understood as the concerted activity that, when detecting, disclosing and investigating criminal offenses, is carried out in accordance with the basic principles of interaction. Conditional interaction in the detection and investigation of criminal offenses can be considered depending on the type of activity with which it is related, namely: 1) interaction between operatives, investigator, prosecutor as a procedural leader and investigating judge in criminal proceedings; 2) interaction between pre-trial investigative bodies or court with specialists, experts and expert institutions; 3) interaction between law enforcement agencies or institutions in the framework of international cooperation. Having considered each of the types of interaction and the problematic issues related to them, the article offers options for solving these issues. Thus, with regard to the interaction related to the exercise of procedural guidance by the prosecutor, the submission (execution) of orders, obtaining the decision of the investigating judge, it is proposed to increase the resources of using electronic technologies in relation to the circulation of documents. In case of interaction between the pre-trial investigation bodies or the court with specialists, experts and expert institutions, it is suggested to create an opportunity to conduct preliminary express investigation at the place of detection of the criminal offense if necessary. With regard to cooperation in the framework of international cooperation, in our opinion, the state should pay attention to the establishment of processes of non-procedural cooperation between regional departments that are directly involved in investigations. In view of the above, the importance of the state’s role in solving the problems of interaction mentioned above and the need for state regulation of this issue have been emphasized. The concept of state regulation should be understood as an activity used by specially authorized bodies, regulated by the rules of law and aimed at ensuring the functioning of the state, taking into account its integrity, indivisibility, rights and freedoms of citizens as the highest social values.

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