
The article is devoted to the theme of Patriotic and social service of Russian Orthodox Church in the tragic and, along with that glorious period of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 was marked by important achievements of the Patriotic service of the spiritual hierarchs and leaders of Orthodox culture in the context of the events of the liberation struggle of the Soviet people in the great Patriotic war. It describes some of the fate of ascetics, both in the Soviet Union and abroad, who, in the face of opposition to the Nazi regime, continued to serve, performed Christian feats and made a significant contribution to the approach of the great Victory in the great Patriotic war and World War II. The importance of a thorough study of the activities of religious figures throughout the war period is associated with the need for a more objective assessment of the contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Great Victory. The importance of a thorough study of the activities of religious figures throughout the war period is associated with the need for a more objective assessment of the contribution of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Great Victory. In addition, the Ministry of Orthodox leaders and Christian ascetics should be reflected in the program of Patriotic education of students and schoolchildren as a necessary component of comprehensive humanitarian and spiritual and moral education of modern youth.

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