
The purpose of the article is to study comprehensively the content of the leading newest concepts in the field of public administration in the United States, identify their basic features, as well as clarify key characteristics of the contemporary American theory of public administration. The study used a set of logical methods (synthesis, analysis, inductive method, etc.) and such general scientific approaches as system, structural-functional and bibliographic ones. The article presents a systematic study of modern theory of public administration in the United States, analyzes the leading concepts, reveals their essence, principles and features. In particular, the principles of transition from bureaucratic to post-bureaucratic management, developed by B. Armajani and M. Barzeley, are analyzed; ten principles of entrepreneurial government by T. Gaebler and D. Osborne; the content of recursive practices, due to which the construction of reality takes place, including public and political, based on the scientific views of Ch. Fox and H. Miller; the essence of R. Denhardt's new civil service, which relies on the instruments of direct democracy and recognizes public activity above market instruments in the context of achieving public interests; main directions (managerial, political and legal) of integrated public administration by D. Rosenbloom; argumentation of P. Nutt and R. Backoff regarding the expediency of using strategic management in public administration. The key characteristics (trends) of the modern theory of public administration in the US are revealed, namely: debureaucratization; marketization; managerization; servicing; postmodernization. The preconditions and content of these tendencies are identified. The scientific novelty of the article is to conduct a thorough study of the main new concepts in the field of public administration in the United States, as well as to identify general relevant characteristics of the American theory of public administration. The practical significance of the article is related to the possibility of further use of its materials in the educational process, research and practical field, taking into account clear applied orientation of modern theory of public administration in the United States.

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