
The article analyzes the issues of improving the system of management decisions in key areas of regional policy at the level of municipal districts. On the example of the Voronezh region, management problems are identified in the economy, the social sphere, environmental management, and the activities of local governments. Social and economic restrictions in the management of the development of municipal areas are revealed: imperfection of the financial and budgetary sphere, contradictory legal documents, demographic tension expressed by depopulation, long migration outflow, reduced quality of life, etc. In order to improve the management of the development of the territory, it is proposed to use indicators of sustainable economic, social and environmental development of municipalities, allowing establishing and evaluating trends in the functioning of local government entities. The advantage of using indicators of sustainable development is an individual approach to identifying competitive advantages and disadvantages of municipal districts. Based on this, the author carried out a typology of municipal districts of the Voronezh region, which reflected the central-peripheral model and significant destructiveness in the socio-economic sphere. It is these circumstances that must be considered when developing regional policy at the municipal level.

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