
The strategic development of Ukraine as a rule of law, social and democratic state, enshrining in the Constitution of Ukraine the provision on the highest social value of a person, his life and health, honor and dignity, integrity and security requires the formation of new approaches to the protection of human rights and citizens. The main content and focus of the state activities are human rights and freedoms and guarantees for their implementation. The Constitution of Ukraine imposes establishment and assurance of these rights and freedoms on the state in the person of the relevant bodies of executive power as its main duty. Activities to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, individuals and legal entities against unlawful encroachment, ensuring the strict observance of law and public order, the fight against crime and other offenses are called law enforcement activities. Most of the activities on the protection of the rights, freedoms and constitutional freedoms of citizens, their protection against criminal encroachments are carried out by the law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine, which are the largest law enforcement agency in Ukraine. Modern requirements for the activity of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine determine the development of fundamentally new approaches in the analysis of such activities, methods and principles of its implementation, as well as the limits of its impact on the development of public relations in the country. At the same time, a number of issues remain open in the activity of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, which, at the theoretical and practical level, receive insufficient attention due to the inability of scientists to cover all relations in which law enforcement agencies are involved and which they influence. One of these problems is to determine the role and place of risks in the combat service of the National Guard of Ukraine (hereinafter - NG) of Ukraine and develop methods for their management in the practical implementation of tasks and functions assigned to the NG in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The problem of risk management in combat service of NG is determined primarily by the search for alternative and new approaches to reducing the level of personnel and material losses in the performance of tasks to combat and counteract crime in Ukraine. The rapid development of science and technology, the emergence of new social relations lead to the emergence of new technical and human resources of criminals to achieve a criminal purpose in their anti-social activities. Traditional remedies for NG workers, including scientific ones, do not always become effective when performing operational tasks, since some of them are morally outdated today, that is, they rely on developments made in the past century.

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