
The paper analyzes (in social-philosophic scope) the problem of interconnection for such categories as «information», «knowledge», «innovations» regarding contemporary sociocultural realities. The comprehension of mentioned categories’ correlation is considered as essential and indispensable precondition for the Intellectual Property Institution research (in its understanding like a social institution). Selected problematic’s relevance is determined by the increasing weight and significance of intellectual property in the information age. The intellectual property institution has become an inalienable sociocultural attribute of postindustrial society. As social-philosophic attention focus involves the phenomena and processes of a social life that specify the whole mankind development, then a problem of intellectual property’s positioning and its correlation with another information types should be an object of socio-philosophic reflection. The purpose of this research paper is a socio-philosophic investigation of the nature and patterns of interrelationship for information, knowledge and intellectual property, analyzing processes of information’s subjectification (its transformation to “knowledge”) and knowledge’s objectification (their conversion to sociocultural information). Learning of interdependence of mentioned processes in various forms of cognition and communicative actions, existing in the natural environment and culture, may facilitate to clear perception of the role and meaning that intellectual property institution performs in contemporary society. Methodological grounds of the research are based on general scientific methods and ad hoc approaches (as particularly are dialectical and comparative-legal methods, systemic, attributive, cognitive and procedural approaches). Changing of information’s ontological status, ambiguity and diversity in methods of approaching to understanding of information concept, transformation of social stereotypes for information transfer etc., all of these require a primary research of the category “information” and extraction of its features. Making an attempt also to conceive the character of notions as “knowledge”, “innovations”, “intellectual property” and their correlation, we have to analyze each of them. Post-nonclassical science and philosophy development period allows to contemplate a multidimensional self-sustaining world, that evolves itself permanently. We used to think about multiplicity of instruments for reality description, about features of the open systems’ behaviour, about irreversibility of local impacts on the sophisticated combination of processes. These ideas are accepted as a certain selfevidence, but some investigators are convinced of illusiveness of such self-evidence. Various facts and events that occur in life, turn the pace and revise directions of changes. Different ways and patterns of perception of the complicated surrounding world varies gradually the very models of reality awareness, offering a lot of interpretations, insinuating and sowing doubts, organizing and destroying, and eventually, arranging a self-organization of being and consciousness. Post-nonclassical science gives an opportunity to understand that the world is no longer a clear and defi nite. The things seemed self-evident actually may appear not so evident. At the same time, it turns out that we are capable of cognition and intellection (acquiring knowledge about) even those things, we just had no imaginations of. Using post-nonclassical theories’ formalism we construct models of reality, but we know it’s only a mental conjectures, not a reality itself. Meantime self-organizing mechanism’s principles hide themselves from the searching looks, that seek for truth, quest for verity and are thirsty for obviousness. Phrases “information society”, “information age”, “information approach” etc. have become familiar and frequently used. It’s clear intuitively why the predicate “informational” is such often used. It remains to understand the nature of that an information is. A legal defi nition for information as “any data that can be saved on material object or reflected in electronic form” doesn’t give us any conception of information and shows nothing about its influence upon social development process. Therefore we should appeal to another approaches in research of mentioned phenomenon. We also may use the following definition: “The phenomenon of information is a multistage, irreversible process of structure formation in an open nonequilibrium system, beginning from a random memorized selection that system does, moving from chaos to the order, and ending with a purposeful action according to an algorithm or a program that corresponds to the semantics of choice”. The information is understood as a process consisting of certain stages. Thus, Intellectual Property Institution in social-philosophic comprehension of interrelations amidst information, knowledge and innovations appears as heterogeneous, differently directed, multidimensional public institution that has a system-making meaning in respect of the contemporary postmodern- information-society.

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