
The research's relevance is driven by the need to develop libraries of vocational education institutions as subjects of educational environment design. Objective: To substantiate the role of the vocational education institution's library in the design of the educational environment. Methods: Analysis of scientific sources and practical experience of vocational education institutions' libraries to substantiate their role in educational environment design. Results: The essence of the environmental approach is substantiated, the concept of “personal-development environment of a vocational education institution” is defined, the design skills of library staff are characterized, their role and functions in the modern educational process are determined, websites of vocational education institutions' libraries are analyzed, the specifics of the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific-Pedagogical Library of Ukraine's activity in providing scientific-methodological support for the development of subjectivity of educational libraries in educational environment design are highlighted. Conclusions: The application of the environmental approach in modern vocational education implies indirect management of the educational process, with a primary focus on the proactivity of the student, his self-education, self-upbringing, and professional self-development; the design of a personal-development environment in a vocational education institution involves interaction among scientists, methodologists, educators, library staff, and students, and aims to effect positive changes both in the educational process and in the experience of the subjects of interaction; based on the analysis of research, the components of the modern personal-development environment of a vocational education institution are identified (subject, axiological, sociocultural, informational, organizational-activity, material-technical, virtual); libraries of vocational education institutions realize their subjectivity in the design of the educational environment, which involves changing the role and functions of their employees, who act as information intermediaries for students and teachers, master innovative pedagogical technologies, efficiently use computer and telecommunication technologies, navigate in the virtual space; the positive experience of libraries in designing educational environments of vocational education institutions is linked with the quality of functioning of their pages, blogs, websites, correlating with the systematic presentation of information about significant events, news, work regulations, communications, projects, content of recommended literature by profession, and providing feedback with users; important for the development of subjectivity of educational libraries, particularly those of vocational education institutions, is their scientific-methodological support by scientific institutions, in particular, the V. O. Sukhomlynskyi State Scientific-Pedagogical Library of Ukraine consistently carries out such activities as a coordination, scientific-methodological center of the network of educational libraries of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine.

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