
Lithological study and diatom analysis of the bottom sediments from small lakes belonging to the category of isolated basins located on the Barents Sea coast of the Kola region was carried out. Stratigraphic subdivision of depositional sequences was performed based on the new data obtained from the Settlement Teriberka area, as well as on the published data from other areas; lithostratigraphic units (LSU), which are stratogens, were identified in them. We found out that the proglacial reservoir was marine during deglaciation on the Barents Sea coast, freshwater (LSU 1) sediments of the ice-marginal basins were not found here (LSU 1). In the lake basins isolated from the sea, the depositional sequences in deep parts of isolated basins is represented by: brackishwater sediments of the proglacial basin (LSU 2), Lateglacial brackishwater sediments (LSU 3), marine sediments (LSU 4), sediments of an isolating lagoon (LSU 5), sediments accumulated in a meromictic lake (LSU 6), sediments of an onshore freshwater lake (LSU 7), sediments of a freshwater lake with slightly increased water mineralization deposited during Early-Mid Holocene Tapes transgression (LSU 8) and lacustrine sediments (LSU 9) are represent in the sedimentary sequences from small isolated lakes in the Barents Sea coast.

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