
Introduction: the article analyzes the evolution of Russian legislation on the use of land plots in the post-Soviet period from the perspective of public and private interests as reflected therein. Purpose: to analyze the development of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use of land plots, with a focus on relations regarding the economic exploitation of the land plot as a natural resource; to assess current legislation from the perspective of the balance of public and private interests. Methods: methods of formal logic, historical, comparative legal and system-structural methods. Results: the development of legislation on the use of land plots in the Russian Federation has been inconsistent. At the first stage, before the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the public interest acted as the limit of the exercise of ownership of land and other natural resources. The Constitution of the Russian Federation does not directly establish the social function of ownership of land and other natural resources. The provisions of the Constitution imply the potential opportunity for the development of various concepts of ownership in land law. Currently, the Land Code of the Russian Federation reflects the social function of ownership, which follows from a number of basic principles of land legislation. The legislator subordinated the regulation of relations on the use of land plots to public interests and, at the same time, liberalized the rights and obligations of the owners of land plots in contrast to the Land Code of the RSFSR of 1991. From our point of view, this circumstance demonstrates the legislator's desire to harmonize land and civil legislation in the regulation of land use.


  • The need to combine public and private interests in the use of land plots is predetermined by constitutional provisions which, on the one hand, emphasize the value of land as a special natural object and the most important component of the environment and, on the other hand, are designed to protect private property rights and to ensure free possession, use and disposal of land and other natural resources

  • In the initial period of land reforms, public interest acted as a limit of the exercise of ownership rights to land and other natural resources, which follows, in particular, from Articles 10, 11, 13 of the Constitution (Basic Law) of the Russian Federation

  • Private ownership of land was considered a means to increase the efficiency of the use of land plots, primarily of agricultural lands

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В наибольшей степени изменения периода «перестройки» нашли отражение в Конституции (Основном Законе) Российской Федерации – России, в статье 11 которой были установлены различные формы собственности на природные ресурсы, при одновременной констатации, что «земля и ее недра, воды, растительный и животный мир являются достоянием народов, проживающих на соответствующей территории. Из содержания указанных норм Конституции (Основного Закона) Российской Федерации – России следует, что в начальный период реформирования земельных отношений интересы народов, проживающих на соответствующей территории, а также общественные интересы выступали в качестве пределов осуществления права собственности на природные ресурсы. Например, авторы одного из Комментариев к Конституции РФ замечают следующее: «Конституционное положение, согласно которому земля и другие природные ресурсы в России используются как основа жизни и деятельности народов, проживающих на соответствующей территории, не содержит прямых указаний на то, кто, что и как обязан делать по отношению к отдельным видам, участкам, иным элементам конкретных природных ресурсов. On the basis of the above it follows that the interests of private landowners were subordinated to public interests, first of all to the purpose of the rational land use, which was understood as the ‘achievement of the maximum effect (result) in realization of the purposes for which land is provided, ensuring of the useful interaction of land with other natural factors, and protection of land in the process of use as the most important element of nature, spatial condition of any activity and the main means of production in agriculture’ [12, p. 8]

Land Code of the RSFSR
References in Russian
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