
The article is devoted to the analysis of the existing system of training of the officials of customs authorities in Ukraine, to the definition of basic professional standards and requirements for the competencies that they must possess, to the clarification of the forms in which a modern customs officer can exercise his right to professional education and professional training. The study was carried out taking into account international and European standards of training of the personnel of customs administrations, legal and organizational principles of professional training of the officials of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of professional training of customs specialists as an element of the personnel management system, the analysis of the current state of such training in Ukrainian customs and the determination of prospects for training of the personnel and increasing the level of professional competences in view of the requirements of international institutions and society. Methods. During the preparation of the article, the dialectical method was used (to understand the relationship between the personnel training system and the results of the work of the customs authorities), analysis and synthesis (to determine the factors which affect the increase in requirements for professional training), structural and functional (to distinguish forms and ways of obtaining general and special knowledge and skills), modeling (for the formation of proposals for improving the forms and methods of training the personnel of the customs authorities of Ukraine). The results. An analysis of international and European legal acts containing unified provisions on the tasks and requirements for professional training of officials of customs administrations was carried out. Regulatory and legal acts and practical aspects of implementation of rights and responsibilities of the employees of national customs authorities in the field of professional training and acquisition of necessary competencies for high-quality and effective performance of their official duties were studied. Priority forms of such training and shortcomings in its organization are determined. Prospective areas of training for the personnel of customs authorities are outlined. Conclusions. As in many areas of customs activity, there are also certain standards in the training of the personnel of customs administrations. The current state of education and professional development of officials of the customs authorities of Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the normative and legal acts of a general nature adopted in the country, which regulate the training of all civil servants, as well as the professional training of customs officers. With regard to specialized higher education, it is noted that since 2012, there has been no specialized (departmental) educational institution in the system of higher education institutions of Ukraine, which would specialize in training employees for customs authorities, or for enterprises and organizations that provide services in the customs sphere. Therefore, today there is a need to develop and implement educational programs aimed at training future specialists of the customs authorities of Ukraine.

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