
Environment sharp deterioration on municipalities’ territory as a result of increased production capacity of new productions and aggravation of their impact on nature; the population growth and the increase in hazardous waste production volume, the rise of the vehicles number causes the need for the implementation of environmental management system in municipal management. The process of environmental management system creating and implementing in the municipal administration involves the development of environmental policy, taking into account the interests of all stakeholders; assessment of the current situation; establishing performance characteristics to be improved; devel-opment of ecological program; practical implementation of the planned activity; monitoring, corrective action, analysis and audit.The purpose of the article is to determine the aim, tasks and main classification characteristics of the environmental management system implementation project, coverage of key stakeholders and management features of such a project. The essence of the project of implementation of environmental management system is described, its classification is determined, the project constraints and possible risks are identified. The aim and main objectives of the project are formulated. Analysis of the environmental management system implementation project stakeholders in municipality play an important role for the success of the project, therefore the article outlines the main stakeholders of the project and the risks associated with them. The identified features of project man-agement of implementation of environmental management system point to the need for the use of pre-ventive management in the process of its implementation, mandatory inclusion in the project of the methods of work with stakeholders and taking into account the processes of managing by environmental changes at all stages of the life cycle.

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